Publications & Working Papers

Photos by Ali Johnson


Kaufmann, L. & Botha, H. “Who Loses in Win-Win Investing?: A Mixed Methods Study of Impact Risk.” Accepted at Journal of Business Ethics.

Kaufmann, L. & Derry, R. (2024). “On Valuing Women: Advancing an Intersectional Theory of Gender Diversity in Organizations.Forthcoming at Academy of Management Review.

Kaufmann, L. (2023). “We Are Not Born Submissive: How Patriarchy Shapes Women’s Lives, by Manon Garcia. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021. 234 pp.Business Ethics Quarterly, 33(4), 777-780.

Kaufmann, L. (2022). “Feminist Epistemology and Business Ethics.Business Ethics Quarterly, 32(4): 546-572.


Cases & Technical Notes

Kaufmann, L., Botha, H., & Mead, J. Netflix and Dave Chappelle (A). Darden Case E-0499. Teaching note included.

Kaufmann, L., Botha, H., & Mead, J. Netflix and Dave Chappelle (B). Darden Case E-0501.

Kaufmann, L. & Mead, J. Intersectionality: Darden Technical Note E-0500.

Kaufmann, L., Mead, J., & King, L. Returning to Redmond? Exploring equity in hybrid work environments at Microsoft: Darden Case E-0497. Teaching note included.

Kaufmann, L., Mead, J., & King, L. Equity Considerations in remote and hybrid work environments: Darden Technical Note E-0498

Wicks, A., Freeman, R.E., Harris, J., Parmar, B., Kaufmann, L., Botha., H., & Mead, J. Moral theory and the language of ethics and business: Darden Technical Note E-0405.

Kaufmann, L., Dodd, T., & Kemp, B. Madame Director: Fern Investment Solutions Pursues Board Diversity: Darden Case E-0507.


Working Papers

Lauren Kaufmann, Michael Brown, & Gorgi Krlev. A qualitative study of impact measurement.

·     Media coverage: Impact Entrepreneur, Dollars and Change podcast, Wharton Social Impact Initiative,

Lauren Kaufmann & Helet Botha. Postcolonial theory and microfinance.

Helet Botha & Lauren Kaufmann. Organizational ethics and Beauvoir.

Please contact me if you would like a copy of any paper above.