Photos by Ali Johnson

Hello! I am an Assistant Professor of Business Administration in Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship at the Darden School of Business. I am also an Affiliated Faculty member of the Gender, Women & Sexuality Department at the University of Virginia.

A business ethicist by training, I use both normative and empirical methods in my scholarly work. I have collaborated with impact investing funds, philanthropic foundations, and consulting firms in my research on social impact, impact investing, and gender. My research has been published in Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, and Academy of Management Review.

Prior to joining Darden’s faculty, I completed my PhD at The Wharton School, where I was recognized as the inaugural doctoral fellow at the Wharton Social Impact Initiative and as an Emerging Scholar by the Society for Business Ethics.


“Feminism has always been about economics. Virginia Woolf wanted a room of her own, and that costs money.”

- Katrine Marçal